Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life And Machines

I was fortunate to attend the Mercedes StartDrive today. An event showcasing some of the best machines in the business. Seeing the machines in action in a small area was awesome. Automobile engineering at its best. There were the new C Class, E Class, M Class and the GL Class... all grunting, growling and screeching.

Seeing them do all these made me sick in my stomach and was initially hesitant to get into one of those cars. But again, they are the Mercedes... "God wanted to drive good cars and so these automobile beauties were invented!" Was going to be fun.

I first got into the best of the beauties there, the GL Class. If ever "Beauty and the Beast" needed a combined definition, here she was... tall, elegant, bold, blah, blah, blah.... I can go on.. I got in with Singh at the wheel. Sitting in there was itself an experience. The GL was reassuring me that I was in her arms and is safe, as a mother would tell her child.

Now we were ready to experience what she has to show us. Shortly and cheerfully Singh explained the features of the GL Class coupled with some funny one liners to. First, she effortlessly does a 35 degree climb. Sitting in there felt like getting on a 6 inch pavement, but a while back I was watching the same climb from outside, it was not easy as it felt inside.

Next was better. The GL was dancing (should I say see-saw ing) with two legs in the air and the other two getting a grip to move on. She did it with utmost ease, as if pausing for a second, thinking and then moving on with the best foot... oooppss.... the best wheel forward.

Then comes the best of all.. 80 degrees. My boss quipped here "we don't need to go do Disney Land for one of those fancy rides... this is as good as it gets". Singh quipping along too... GL stationary on a 80 degree climb. Singh had engaged the breaks, holds on to them for a few seconds and then releases it.. "unimaginable".. GL is stationary for the next 2 seconds. WOW was the most resounding reaction I could blurter out amongst all the other thoughts running in my mind at that second. Then she slowly starts going back.. Singh quips again.. "I am not going to go ahead till you confirm an order for the GL...", quick laugh and steps on the gas pedal. Effortlessly, gracefully and assuringly she goes on to climb the 80 degrees.

All done, imaging descending the 80 degrees ramp. If it was any other vehicle or even a ride, I would have thrown up, but the GL as safe as it gets, gets us back to normal level ground.

This was a feeling that one has to experience. No words can translate this experience. Getting out of that car, thanking Singh, stepped aside for a few moments to digest it and get back to my normal senses.

Thinking back about it makes me wonder, all the machines made by mankind are just a refelction of how we want our lives to be. To take control of our lives, to be assured and to be safe and be prepared for any adventure/challenge that lay ahead of us. While the machines can deliver these so precisely, I am sure with a steady and calm mind, we too can get on with our lives overcoming the challenges of life very efficiently.

This is what a 10 minute eventful ride in a Mercedes has done to me today. :o). Sharing some pics from that event today.

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